Capital Improvement Plan


CIP logoThe 10-year Capital Improvement Plan is a ten-year plan that identifies building infrastructur
e needs for sustainability, major equipment replacement, capital projects, and provides for streamlined financial forecasting. It is a long-range approach to conducting facility upgrades designated in ten categories to address critical and constructive needs.  The plan can be adjusted as infrastructure needs change over time. The overall goal of the Capital Improvement Plan is to implement necessary facility upgrades with a holistic approach to foster a learning environment that promotes health, safety, and cleanliness in all Waukegan School district schools. We promoted the 10-year Capital Improvement Plan through public meetings, discussions with school principals, a Waukegan city council meeting, and we even had the opportunity to discuss our capital needs with Senator Melinda Bush in hopes that we could be included in the State Transportation and Construction Bill. The estimated cost of 10-year Capital Improvement Plan is $122 million. The projects that the Planning Committee has collectively chosen to work on as our first priorities in years 1 through 3 include: -Replacing the mobile classrooms at Glen Flora, Washington and Whittier

-Install heating, ventilation and air conditioning in Webster and Jack Benny along with asbestos abatement at Jack Benny
-Replacing the windows at Glenwood, Little Fort, Oakdale, Clark, McCall and Greenwood
-Replace interior and exterior doors in several locations per the life safety requirements
-Improve the pavement at Andrew Cooke’s Basketball Court and the north end of Glenwood
-Several plumbing projects which include new piping in the Washington Campus, updating the bathrooms at Webster and updating lockers at both the Washington and Brookside Campus’ 
Financially, the district plans to commit $10,000,000 annually for years 1, 2 and 3. We will re-evaluate financial beginning with year 4 based on funding availability and project status. 
Any remaining funds after the yearly projects have been completed will be used towards playground pieces, school signs and/or marquees.
The Operations Team will assist in completing the projects to save money. We also ask our principals to engage their schools in team fundraisers to assist with projects specific to their school; such as a new sign or marquee, or perhaps playground equipment. This will allow the children to learn how teamwork can result in a tangible outcome, such as a new sign, that they will see every day. 
We will continue to work with the District Grant Manager to research any Capital Improvement grants for our renovations and upgrades throughout the district. 

Capital Improvement Plan Meeting Community Information Session 

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