What is the Portal?
Portal allows the legal guardians of Waukegan Public Schools middle and high school students to view their students' in-progress grades, attendance, schedule, assessment scores, and so much more. Additionally, Waukegan High School students have their own Portal accounts to view their academic record.
How can I log into the Parent Portal?
You can access your student's information by using the Infinite Campus Parent Portal link.
I'm a parent that hasn't used Infinite Campus yet, how do I get my user credentials?
you are new to Waukegan Public Schools and are the Parent/Legal
Guardian you may request your Portal Credentials by emailing the school
of your student (
School Directory). The credentials
will be emailed to you upon verification of you and your student.
you've had students in Waukegan Public Schools before, or your students
have never left, you'll need to request an account reset. This can also
be done by emailing the school of your student (
School Directory).
Parent Portal Instructions:
English | Spanish
I'm a student, how do I get my user credentials?
If you are new to Waukegan High School, a Portal account will be automatically generated for you and sent to your house office within two weeks of your start at WHS. The house secretary will summon you to the office when it is ready to be picked up.

If you've been enrolled in WHS before, or you have never left WHS, you'll need to request an account reset. This can be done by emailing [email protected] and including your name, your student ID number, and your house number. Please note that it may take up to two weeks for a response.
Portal is asking me to enter these letters and numbers along with my credentials. What is this?
This is called a Captcha, and can be a bit of a pain, but is used as a security measure to keep your student's information safe. You will need to enter your user name and password again, and then enter the letters and numbers of the image exactly as they are, before you click Sign In.