Facility Rental Information

Welcome to Community Usage for Waukegan Public Community Unit School District #60. This program will allow you to request the rental of a district facility. Please allow 5-7 days to confirm your request. You will receive an automated email confirming or denying your request. If there are general questions regarding the usage of any facility you can contact School Dude Specialist at 224-303-3651. Please download our Facility Rental Information manual that will contain all necessary documents needed to complete your registration.

Terms of Use / Agreement

No facilities or rental dates can be guaranteed until proper forms are submitted and a $1,000,000 certificate of insurance naming Waukegan Public Schools Board of Education as additionally insured, and a copy of tax free status as requested. District #60 reserves the right to reject any organization from the use of any school facility and to make adjustments of rental fees.


With your approval email notice, you also will be sent an invoice including estimated costs. Once the invoice is emailed out, and half or full payment is made for the estimate of charges, the event space is locked in for the Renter's requested time pending its availability. The balance of the rental fee is to be paid on or before the event.

General Terms

The Board of Education recognizes the investment the community has made in District facilities. It is the policy of the School Board to make available school facilities to the community for appropriate civic, cultural, educational, recreational activities and other non-commercial uses. However, no organization shall be allowed to use the District's facilities if such use would interfere with any school functions or the safety of students or school personnel or affect the property or liability of the District. Upon approval, school facilities are available for use Monday through Friday, Saturdays, Sundays, holidays and vacation periods from 6:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m.

All school scheduled activities and events take priority over all rental events. If a conflict pertaining to the date arises, the school's activity will have the highest priority. Rental of buildings shall include only those dates, areas, time and equipment specifically stated in the approved application and no other.

All users of District properties must comply with applicable federal, State, and municipal codes. All users of facilities must also comply with all Board policies, paying particular attention to policies 3501- Safety and Security of Buildings and Grounds, 3508-Non-Instructional Operations of School Equipment and the guidelines within the Waukegan Public School's Facilities Use Manual. Approval of requests does not, in any way, indicate that the District supports or endorses any particular group, religious organization, political party, or messages presented during facility use.

The Board of Education reserves the right to deny any organization the use of any school facility or to cancel without liability, an approved request if it interferes with any school functions or the safety of students or school personnel or affects the property or liability of the District. Additionally, use of non-approved areas; misuse of approved areas, equipment or materials; or failure to comply with District use guidelines as set forth in the Facilities Use Manual could result in additional charges and/or limitations on future use.

The Board does not discriminate in the processing of applications for use of its facilities consistent with Board policy 3206, Community Use of School Facilities.

The District reserves the right to cancel an Agreement upon one (1) business day notice to the Organizational Leader who signed the Agreement. Occasionally, activities scheduled on a long-term basis will have dates that conflict with events that are later planned by the regular school program. Should this occur every effort will be made to find another appropriate location.

Cancellations by the Renter must be made one (1) business day in advance of the scheduled event or the Renter will be liable for fifty percent (50%) of the rental fee and any custodial or other staff overtime that has or may occur. If the Renter cancels the Facility Use Agreement less than one (1) business day prior to the event the entire deposit will be forfeited.

Organizational Leaders should check the District website at www.wps60.org in the event of inclement weather building closures. Should this occur the Renter must re-submit a request for building use for another day.

Any request for changes by the Renter must be made in writing, three (3) business days in advance of the activity. As a result of modifications to the original request, additional fees may be applied or the use approval cancelled due to unavailability of facilities or necessary services.

If an organization has an unpaid facility-use balance which is sixty (60) calendar days or more past due, the District reserves the right to deny any new request until the account is paid in full and to seek assistance in collecting the fees from a collection agency.

Drugs and Alcohol Restrictions: Bringing alcohol or drugs to school premises is strictly prohibited and is subject to severe penalty. Smoking Restrictions: Smoking is prohibited in all District facilities. Each renter is responsible for seeing that this rule is enforced on penalty of future rentals being denied.

Categories for Organizations

Rental Categories: The Board of Education currently categorizes the users of its District facilities into five (5) categories [Classifications]. Permit priorities shall follow the order below, beginning with Classification 1 having highest priority when scheduling events.

Classification One - School Affiliated Organizations: All approved student organizations of Waukegan Public Schools, and community organizations operating an office within District boundaries directly affiliated with the District (e.g. Athletic Boosters, Music Parent Association)

Classification Two - Other Taxing Organizations: Tax supported public bodies within District boundaries (e.g. park districts, townships) and their affiliated organizations, when no admission is charged and the usage does not have fundraising as an objective.

Classification Three - Taxing Organizations Seeking Fundraising or Non-Profit Organization:

A. Tax supported public bodies within District boundaries that charge admission/fee to an event and/or seek to use facilities in conjunction with fundraising activities.

B. Non-profit community groups operating an office within District boundaries (e.g. Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, religious and cultural organizations), which are supported by voluntary contributions of the people whose purposes, in some degree, parallel those of the school's when they do not charge admission/fees or have fundraising as an objective.

C. Non-profit education/professional organizations with District affiliations.

Classification Four - Community Groups Charging Admission or Non-Profit Groups Outside of the District:

A. Non-profit community groups operating an office within District boundaries, when their use of the facilities includes admission/fees or has fundraising as an objective.

B. Non-profit groups outside of District boundaries who seek to use the facilities for religious, charitable, philanthropic, civic, or other non-commercial, non-personal uses that do not entail admission/fees or have fundraising as an objective.

C. For-profit organizations, when their use of facilities does not include admission or fees or have fundraising as an objective.

Classification Five - Non-Profit Groups Outside of the District Engaged in Fundraising or For-Profit Organizations Outside of the District:

A. Non-profit groups outside District boundaries, when their use of the facilities includes admission/fees or has fundraising as an objective.

B. Groups for profit.

Charges for Facilities

Weiss Field NC EX $100/hr $150/hr $200/hr
Baseball Diamonds NC EX $40/hr $50/hr $60/hr
Softball Diamonds NC EX $40/hr $50/hr $60/hr
Soccer Field NC EX $40/hr $50/hr $60/hr
All Other Recreation Fields NC EX $30/hr $30/hr $30/hr
Tennis Court NC EX $20/hr $30/hr $40/hr
Locker Rooms NC EX $20/hr $30/hr $40/hr
Pool NC EX $50/hr $75/hr $100/hr
Indoor Track NC EX $50/hr $75/hr $100/hr

WCampus Main Gym DAWG Pound

* (3000 cap, no air conditioning)
NC EX $100/hr $150/hr $200/hr
All Other School Gyms NC EX $30/hr $40/hr $50/hr
WHS - Brookside Campus
Trapp Auditorium (1900 seats, no air conditioning)* NC EX $300/hr $400/hr $500/hr
Brett Theater (180 seats) * NC EX $75/hr $100/hr $125/hr
Band Room NC EX $30/hr $40/hr $50/hr
Choral Room NC EX $30/hr $40/hr $50/hr
Dressing Rooms NC EX $10/hr $20/hr $30/hr
WHS - Washington Campus
Wixom Auditorium * NC EX $75/hr $100/hr $125/hr
Little Theater RM 201 NC EX $30/hr $40/hr $50/hr
WHS Cafeterias NC EX $50/hr $60/hr $70/hr
Middle School Cafeterias NC EX $30/hr $40/hr $50/hr
Multipurpose Rooms NC EX $30/hr $40/hr $50/hr
Regular Classroom NC EX $30/hr $40/hr $50/hr
Parking Lots NC EX $30/hr $30/hr $30/hr
Public Address Operators (Trapp Auditorium Only) NC $60/hr** $60/hr** $60/hr** $60/hr**
Lifeguards per person NC $30/hr $30/hr $30/hr $30/hr
Pool Manager 2 hrs minimum NC

$37/hr min 2 hrs

$37/hr min 2 hrs $37/hr min 2 hrs $37/hr min 2 hrs
District Security Personnel per person NC $34/hr ** $34/hr ** $34/hr ** $34/hr **
Custodial Weeknights per person NC $34/hr ** $34/hr ** $34/hr ** $34/hr **
Custodial Weekends and Holidays per person NC $51/hr ** $51/hr ** $51/hr ** $51/hr **
Lectern NC $10/day $10/day $10/day $10/day
Tables NC $10/day $10/day $10/day $10/day
Chairs NC $1 per chair per day $1 per chair per day $1 per chair per day $1 per chair per day

District Microphones Renter May Provide own microphone at no charge

NC $20 per day $20 per day $20 per day $20 per day
LCD Projectors NC $50 per day $50 per day $50 per day 50 per day
Risers NC $10/day $10/day $10/day $10/day
Piano NC $70/day $70/day $70/day $70/day
DVD/Monitor NC $30/day $30/day $30/day $30/day
Scoreboard NC $15/hr $15/hr $15/hr $15/hr
Speaker and Sound systems at middle or elementary schools NC $20/daily $20/daily $20/daily $20/daily

* Must use Public Address Operator
** Hourly rate subject to change with contract changes

Facility Rental Information

Board Policy 3206

Rental Request Form

Please visit the Facility Request Web Site to submit your application.

Prior to completion of the electronic facility request please download and complete our Facility Rental Information manual.

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